Training the heads of the school. To provide feed back supporting planning programmes of all branches of DIET.


To maintain appropriate data base for the district for the various planning exercises. To conduct studies with a view to give policy advice to the educational planning exercises. To provide technical assistance to educational authorities in (1) School mapping (2) Micro planning for UEE (3) Formation of activities for school complexes(4) Institutional evaluation. To orient the community leaders LSGs,,VEC members, youths voluntary educational workers . To conduct appropriate programmes for the headmasters , block level educational functionaries ,etc. To appraise various educational programmes implemented in the district especially with the objectives to achieve UEE , quality enhancements ,etc. To act as nodal branch for preparing institutional plans and annual self evaluation reports for the DIET. To provide P& M - related inputs to all other activities of DIET

Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE)

It is the centre to provide resource support in the development of locally relevant curriculum and educational evaluation of school, Adult education at the district level. It will carry out the following functions. To adopt and develop the curricular units according to the local needs. To develop the techniques and guidelines for continuous and comprehensive evaluation. To help DRU in developing the locally relevant materials To undertake testing on sample basis to assess the learner achievements· To help educational authorities and schools in implementing reliable and valid system of valid learner evaluation·     To conduct work shop for developing various materials. To conduct in-service programmes related to CMDE. To provide CMDE related inputs in to all other programmes of DIET

In-service, Field Interaction and Co ordinaton (IFIC)

All the activities related to the in-service programme and extension services of DIET except for Adult education will be organized by this branch. To assist educational authorities in planning of in-service education programmes for the school teachers of the district ,and to plan and co-ordinate such programmes held in the DIET· To identify the training needs school teachers and to plan perspective plans to meet such needs· To prepare an annual calendar of all activities to be held in DIET and outside· To organize distance cum mode training programmes to teachers· To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficacy of all inservice programmes held in DIET· To maintain a data base on all persons except in Adult Education personnels , who under go training for the DIET and to organize follow up activities. To serve as a reference and resource centre for teachers who wish to continue their education. To act as a nodal branch for all action research and field interaction activities of the DIET· Publication of periodicals of the DIET and to distribute it to schools , etc.

District Resource Unit

It is the resource centre in the district to carry out the. Adult education activities to ensure the human and material resources of other faculties for its full fledged works It has to carry out the following activities. To serve as a nodal branch for organizing Programmes of induction training and continuing education for the adult education workers. To orient other personnels who use to organize such above mentioned activities out side the DIET. To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficacy of the training programmes conducted for AE workers.  To maintain a data base on all AE personnels who undergone training. To assist all other faculties of DIET in organizing such activities in the preparation of learning materials ,evaluation tools , etc. To undertake research works related to AE activities with collaborative way with other branches of DIET.


Focus of this branch is to ensure that ET reaches out to the most distant areas. It will also carry out the following functions. To develop in collaboration with concerned staff of DIET and other resource persons , simple ,effective and low cost teaching aids for various subjects related to school education. To help the DRU in developing low cost teaching aids for AE related works. To maintain the following: All AV equipment of DIET,  Computer lab, Display areas, A library of educational video/audio cassettes ,etc. To liaise with near by radio station for arranging educational broadcasts suitable for school children /AE learners, teachers, instructors, etc. To conduct appropriate training programmes for teachers in the areas of ET.  To provide ET related inputs to all other activities of DIET


Focus of this faculty will be to support the work experience related programmes to schools . The functions to be carried out by this faculty are: To identify locally relevant WE activities and in co operation with other nodal branches, To develop sample curricular units , teaching learning materials, low cost teaching aids and evaluation tools. To help educational authorities and schools ,AE centres in planned introduction of WE activities To conduct appropriate in-service programmes for teachers in the areas of WE. To provide WE related inputs in to all other activities of DIET. To organize activities for cleanliness, upkeep and development of the institute, play ground, lawns, gardens, etc. To organize community service activities and study visits to work centres as a part of the training programmes· To maintain work shop/farm/garden for WE activities. To organize work related hobbies among the trainees of the institute.

Pre- Service Teacher Education and Training ( PSTE)

PSTE faculty of DIET has to do the following functions: To organize quality pre-service teacher education courses for elementary school teachers. To serve as a model for the other elementary teacher education for the following: Preparation of learner centred education. Education for the personality development, training , preparation of suitable teaching aids, action research, etc. Provisions for the psychological counseling and guidance services to schools. All matters to learning by children with special abilities. To provide input to all other activities of DIET which are to be carried out by other faculties , such as:  In-service programmes of school teachers. Training programmes for Adult education workers. Field interaction including extension activities, Action research to improve learner abilities in schools. Maintenance of science lab, psychological equipment, rooms for art education and equipment and facilities for sports and physical education. PROMOTION of co-curricular activities in schools like, yoga, physical education activities, science fairs, art festivals ,etc.

The role of DIET in Pre-Service Teacher Education

Teacher Education has much prominent role to assure formation of efficient teachers and there by strengthen the education system. Since the DIET is a District Level Academic Resource centre, this institution has been spearheading the educational programmes of ITEs (Institute of Teacher Education - formerly TTI ) in the whole district by providing frequent academic support and learning inputs. DIET is the unifying force of all ITEs in the District resulting in commendable out come and advancement in the field of pre-service teacher education.

DIET and other ITEs in the district have been running Teacher Training course based, on the curriculum revised by SCERT, Kerala. The name of the course has changed as D.Ed. last year with commendable changes in the curriculum. The curriculum was revised on the basis of the National Teacher Education Curriculum Framework. The duration of the course is two years with 4 semesters. Minimum qualification for admission is plus two. Special weight age is given to the students who performed well in sports. No aptitude test or entrance test is conducted for selecting students.

Structure of the Course:

The curriculum and syllabus of D.Ed. is sufficient and dynamic so as to prepare the teacher trainees as competent teachers in coming days. The revised D.Ed. curriculum consists the following components:

Child Development and Learning

Curriculum and Pedagogy

Malayalam-Structure, History, Social background

Proficiency in English

Environmental Science-A Text book

Mathematics- Learning and Approach/ Science Learning/Social Science Learning

Art/Physical/ WE Education


The revised D.Ed. curriculum demands for interactive methods of teaching that foster the process of the construction of knowledge. Discussions, Assignments, Research Activities, School experience programmes and Social contact programmes are part of the new curriculum.

Practice Teaching

During the course the trainees are asked to complete practice teaching for 50 days in selected schools. With the completion of this exercise, the trainees will have to cover almost all classes from std I to Std. VII. The teachers of practicing school and Teacher Educators support the trainees in the process.


Teacher trainees are continuously evaluated and assessed in terms of sDiscussions, Assignment, Research Activities, School experience programmes and Social contact programmes. The records of trainees are examined by Teacher Educators. An external body constituted by the Pareeksha Bhavan evaluates the performance of trainees in each semester.

The DIET provides the following academic support to ITEs in order to make them resourceful centers of teacher education.

In service training

Action Research Programme

Workshop for the development of TLM

On Site support

Educational Seminar on current issues